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300 North Lincoln Ave. 

Liberal, Kansas  67901




Office Hours - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 

Monday through Friday

Stepping Stone Shelter is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Your donation of cash, goods, or time help us to further our mission of providing temporary housing and meals to those in need. Residents meet with a case manager to determine the steps needed to attain independence. Meals are provided three times a day to anyone in need through our soup kitchen.


The shelter is funded primarily through the generosity of individual donors, local businesses, religious organizations, and private foundations. The shelter also receives funding through Seward County United Way and grants from local, state, and federal agencies.


We would be happy to schedule a speaker to come to your organization and share information about the shelter.


Stepping Stone Shelter is always in need of cash donations to help us keep the lights on and provide for the needs of clients. No donation is too small. If you would like to fund a special project at the shelter, please contact the Executive Director for more information. 


We accept cash, checks, or you can make a donation through:


Mighty Cause -


Venmo - @steppingstoneshelter


Cash App - $SteppingStoneShelter

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Stepping Stone Shelter provides three meals a day for resident clients and for walk-ins to our soup kitchen. The shelter also distributes food to other area organizations. We accept donations of non-perishable food items. (see the suggested list at right) We can also accept donations of fresh food or prepared meals with prior notification to the shelter. Please call 620-626-6024 if you have questions about food donations. 


Non-Perishable Food Items

Canned Goods (fruit, vegetables, tuna, soups)

Spagetti Sauce in Jars, Hamburger Helper

Dry Packaged Items (macaroni and cheese, crackers, cookies, pasta, stuffing mix, rice, beans, cereal, oatmeal, cake mix)

Baking Items (flour, sugar, oil, salt, baking powder, baking mix))

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salsa)



Resident clients are often in need of basic hygiene items when they enter the shelter. See the list of suggested items.


If we have a client with specific needs we will post those items on the shelter Facebook page.


Hygiene Items

Hand and Body Wash, Soap

Shampoo / Conditioner

Brushes & Combs


Dental Items - Tooth brushes and toothpaste, floss

Feminine Products

Razors and Shaving Items

Skin Lotion

Over the Counter Meds (antacid, pain relief, first aid, cough and cold medicine)


Resident clients are expected to help in cleaning and maintaining the shelter facilities. Each client has assigned daily chores. The shelter goes through a lot of disinfectant products in the effort to keep everyone healthy. See the list of suggested items.


Paper Goods and Cleaning Products

Paper towels, Toilet Paper, Tissues

Paper plates and cups

Dish Soap

Bleach / disinfectant wipes

Laundry Soap

Various Cleaning Supplies (toilet cleaner, sponges, brushes)

Foil / Plastic Wrap or Ziplock Bags

Large 33 or 39 gallon trash bags



We will post on the shelter Facebook page when we identify a need for a specific item(s) not listed above. FIND US ON FACEBOOK

  • Facebook

The shelter no longer sponsors a thrift store and is not taking clothes donations at this time. We currently do not have storage space for unsolicited items. As clients move from the shelter we may identify a need for household items. We will post that information to our Facebook page.


Please don't hesitate to call 620-626-6024 or email us at if you have questions or would like more information.


Would you like to volunteer? We are currently working on putting together a list of people that would like to volunteer. Volunteer opportunities might include helping out with a fundraising event or assisting in other ways at the shelter.


Would you like to host a supply drive? Many schools, churches, or other organizations like to host a supply drive for the shelter. We would love to publicize your event on our social media. We can provide you with a printable list of supplies that the shelter needs.


Printable Supply List for Donations



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